our community
We are not just a hockey club, we are a queer community that is part of a wider network. We are able to thrive as a sports club because we exist within this wider network of community and care.
In the spirit of mutual support, every year we pick a charity to give back to. In the past we’ve raised money for a range of causes from Thymic UK to the Albert Kennedy Trust.

Our Charity of the Year: Mind Out
Our chosen charity of the year is MindOut. MindOut offers mental health support and services to LGBTQ+ people and is run by LGBTQ+ people.
In collaboration with Queerz Night, we hosted a fundraising quiz night for our members and the general public. We did only test our brains but together we helped raised £2,3K for MindOut!
Out for Sport
We are proud partners of Out for Sport. Out For Sport is a charitable body which supports grassroots sports clubs.
They help strengthen LGBTQ+ inclusive clubs, bring them together, and amplify their voice to increase participation in sport by all LGBTQ+ Londoners.

Connect with Us
We are always looking for new people, companies and organisations to connect with and build stronger communities together.
Reach out to explore organising events together, sponsorship opportunities, and any other ideas on how to support each other!